• Home

    Welcome to MarissaSims.com. I plan on using this site for pouring my little heart out. I am aware that most likely no one will ever read this. So maybe its just a great place for me to listen to myself talk. Please feel free to use the links above to read more about me, my life, memories, ghost stories, humor, and what inspires me. Get ready for some random goodness, “Random” always the word of the day around here.

  • Who Am I?

    Top 10 Marissa Facts

    While I am well aware that no one will ever read this, I still like the idea of having a little corner of the internet that is mine. A place to post my thoughts, ideas, memories, stories, and content I enjoy. Different from social media platforms, this one I can set up to reflect who I am. Or maybe this website is just a great place for me to listen to myself talk. Please feel free to use the links above and get ready for some random goodness. After all, random is always the word of the day around here. So who am I? I think it would be better…

  • Etc.

    This is just the beginning…

    Welcome to MarissaSims.com. It has been recently revived from the dead. I plan on using this site for pouring my little heart out. I am aware that most likely no one will ever read this. So maybe its just a great place for me to listen to myself talk. I will be including: Memories I would like record. Stories I would like to share. Randomness cause that’s just me. ::shrug:: I am still tweaking the layouts, pictures, etc. I will eventually be satisfied with it. Till then, Marissa
